
Antioxidant 2246

Antioxidant 2246

Use:General-purpose phenolic Antioxidant, widely used as Antioxidant in various synthetic materials such as natural rubber and petroleum products

Packing:20 KG/bag


Chemical Name:2,2'-Methylenebis(4-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol)

Molecular Formula:C23H32O2

Molecular weight:252.3093

CAS NO.: 119-47-1

Product Specification


Pure white crystalline powder

Melting Point


Heating loss,%


Residue on Ignition,%


Color Number




2246 is a universal phenolic antidegradant, widely used in natural rubber, synthetic rubber, latex, and various synthetic materials and petroleum products as an antioxidant, typically in amounts of 0.1%-1.5%. This product is a widely used phenolic antidegradant, suitable for various plastics, ABS, AS, and natural rubber. It has high heat stability, good antioxidant effects, does not pollute, does not discolor, does not bloom, has good oil solubility, does not easily volatilize, and does not affect the vulcanization and plasticity of rubber. It does not affect the stability of latex and is characterized by low dosage.


Net weight 20 KG/Bag